Archives for posts with tag: blogging

Anyone who’s been keeping an eye on The Nudge Wink Report may have noticed it’s been quiet. I can’t confess to know why for everyone else, but for me, it’s been all about work – new job means new time constraints and a change to my patterns – there’s been a bit of a learning curve!

However, I am still here and I hope I speak for everyone else when I say so is The Nudge Wink Report. We’re an eccentric, nutty bunch of satirists (is that a word?) and we’re here to save the world, one bad pun at a time!

It’s not over yet but 2017 was the year I fully embraced the Stoli. And this will be my first Christmas without turkey. I refuse to get rid of the vodka that’s taking up shelf room in my freezer to make room for a Butterball. Watching Trump peck and scratch his way to obscurity is turkey enough for me.

funny-christmas-card-with-snowman-and-dog-with-red-envelope-canx25-3277-pThe field reporters for The Nudge Wink Report did a stellar job this year, blogging about this, that, and the other thing. We managed to find the funny every week, without missing…okay, we missed a few. Like that time Dave showed up wearing…huh. Just realized I can’t tell that story. Or any of the other reasons some of us missed our deadlines this year. *nudge, wink*

Management is so impressed relieved that we keep turning up even though the coffee around here comes FROM A CAN, they’ve given us the rest of the year off to go forth and be joyful. To find the reason for the season. To jingle our bells. Or to pinch the Grinch. Whatever toasts our chestnuts. Read the rest of this entry »

Hello world! Blogdramedy here reporting somewhat alive, like the walking dead, from a really grotty dive motel in downtown Cleveland. After a week here with staff, I can tell you…the place stinks!

Kind of like 2016, which I now refer to as the year that smelled like butt.

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