Archives for posts with tag: female

Is it just me or are women starting to look more masculine and men more feminine?

Leading man from the 1960’sĀ 

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Hello everyone, good evening.

For those of you who missed me last month…you are all very sweet šŸ™‚

And for those of you who didn’t – go take a hike, you’re banned for life!

(Sure hope there is more of the former and less of the latter).

OK, so I decided to take a impromptu break last month…(excuse me for a moment while I go take another break to look up what impromptu means…Ah yes, good, splendid, that makes sense, even if my sentences are borderline incohesive nonsense).

Now then, where was I? Yes, I decided to take a brief sabbatical to recharge my creative batteries and as it so happens, something came up in the news this week that brought into perspective what I thought I should be focus on for this article.

We begin then with the number thirteen. Read the rest of this entry »