Oh, Man!  The 4th Wednesday snuck up on me like a Ninja fairy, her little wings softly fluttering as she chops off my head.


From shutterstock.com.  But having your head handed to you feels more like shudderstalk.

Time certainly does fly when you’re slogging through a month, ½ comatose from insomnia.  It’s been about as much fun as an ant race…between 2 dead ants.

As I stare at the computer with 68 pounds of fat white dog on my quickly numbing feet, it occurs to me…for no apparent reason…that people throw up stupid sayings all the time.

That’s what I’ll write for NWR this month!  Stupid sayings &…stuff!

I’ll start with one that I heard a girl tell the star football player when I was in high school,  “If a bird had your brain it would fly backwards.”


Perhaps she was taking the advice of Marilyn Monroe?

“Fear is stupid.  So are regrets.”   —  Marilyn Monroe


Now for a couple of pictures from www.crazyhyena.com


Sandy Claws is coming to town.  This should get interesting the first time someone honks his horn a foot away.  Hmmm…bloody claws is coming to town?  Only if the guy on the motor scooter still has a chest.

I like the sage advice in black, white, and brazen:



Now for a few from www.lovethispic.com (They have more fun to choose from than Marilyn Monroe with a crown).


Below you will find the ultimate in stupidity.  But then again, we’re dealing with a cat:


If you’re feeling magnanimous, you could give to a charitable cause.  Help Bubba save Moron car insurance.

car ins

Send all donations to Bubba DeDogg, 13 Dumass Drive, Podunk, Florida (Be sure to zoom in on the passengers side)

Hope y’all enjoyed this relatively short foray into stupidity.  Were I not 3 braincells away from an official diagnosis of Zombie Insomnia Disorder (ZID for short), I might write more.

But this poster is all I have to offer at the moment.


If you want to know where this poster comes from, it’s on the right side, but since I’m this deep into the ZID, all I can read is 2012.  I wonder…am I destined to be a general in the InZombieA apocalypse? Not the best choice unless you’re looking for a war destined to be a dead giveaway.

I’ll shut up now.